Complaints Procedure

Your view is important to us!

We are committed to responding promptly and fairly to any complaints or expressions of dissatisfaction from our customers. Below you will find details of our internal customer complaints procedures, including time frames in which we will respond to any issues that you raise.

Our aim is always to satisfactorily resolve any complaint at the earliest opportunity, so please help us by following the guidelines. We keep records of all complaints that we receive, they provide us with valuable feedback, telling us how we can improve our services.

Who should you complain to?

You have already directed your query to the right people, our Customer Care team will be back in touch shortly.

What will we do next?

Our aim is to provide a satisfactory solution as speedily as possible. We will endeavour to sort out the problem there and then. In some cases, further investigation may be required, therefore we will let you know that we have received your complaint and we are treating it with the upmost importance. This will state our understanding of the nature of your concerns and how we are investigating it.

When will we contact you again?

We aim to provide our final response to your compliant within 8 weeks. We will keep in touch to update you if we have encountered any issues that may delay our response.

If after 8 weeks we have still not provided a final response to your complaint, then we will write to you giving reasons for the delay and tell you when we expect to be able to provide a final response. In this case after 8 weeks you will be in your right to refer your complaint to an ombudsman service or to the BVRLA, we will explain this process and provide you with the necessary details. Alternatively, you may still choose to wait until we are in a position to provide our final response.

What do we mean by final response?

Our final response will detail the results of our investigation into your complaint and will state whether it has been accepted or rejected. In both cases we will explain the reasons for our decision. Considering we take into account the individuals circumstances of each case investigated, where appropriate we may make an offer of redress. This will not always involve financial redress and simply may involve an apology. Our aim is to treat all customers consistently and fairly and therefore have strict processes in place to allow us to do so.

What happens if I am dissatisfied?

Our final response will provide details of how you may escalate your complaint if you remain dissatisfied following the outcome of our investigation. It will also give you deals of any right of referral you may have to an ombudsman services, arbitration scheme or dispute resolution scheme. If you would like to take a look at the consumer leaflet for the Financial Ombudsman in advance please follow this link: Financial Ombudsman Services.

Discretionary Commission Arrangement Complaints

If your complaint is relating to the Financial Conduct Authority investigation into discretionary commission arrangements, the 8 week deadline for us to issue you with a final response to your complaint has been paused. This means that we may not issue you with a final response to your complaint during the pause period.  The pause period for sending a final response letter is due to end on 25th September 2024. This has been introduced to allow the Financial Conduct Authority to ensure that complaints are handled in a consistent, efficient and orderly way. You can find more information about this by visiting

If, after the end of the pause to the complaint process, we have still not provided a final response to your complaint, then we will write to you giving reasons for the delay and tell you when we expect to be able to provide a final response. In this case you will be in your right to refer your complaint to an ombudsman service or to the BVRLA, we will explain this process and provide you with the necessary details. Alternatively, you may still choose to wait until we are in a position to provide our final response.  

Need to Talk?

If you'd like to talk to one of our customer care team please call us 0161 850 5000.

You can also WhatsApp or email us using the links below.

To request a call back at a time convenient to yourself, please use the form below remembering to leave a short message so we can direct your enquiry to the correct team.


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Oasis Motor Finance Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 10055340. Oasis Motor Finance is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with Financial Services reference number 757830.


Oasis Motor Finance Limited

Trident Park, Trident Way, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 3NU

Oasis Motor Finance Limited is a credit broker and a lender.
We look to find the best rate from our panel of lenders, which we are part of and will offer you the best deal that you're eligible for. We don't charge a fee for our service, but we do earn a commission. This does not influence the interest rate you're offered in any way.

Applicants must be 18 years or over. We are only able to offer finance products from our providers.

Oasis Motor Finance Limited are registered with the Information Commissions Office under registration number: ZA196536.